Commercial Kitchen Fire Safety: What You Need to Know

In order to ensure the safety of you and your workers, and prevent fire hazards or danger, it is essential that your kitchen adheres to optimum safety conditions. By taking preventative measures, not only are you complying with Australian Standards regulations, but you have the peace of mind of knowing your commercial kitchen is a safe one.

Kleenduct WA are here to ensure the safety of your commercial kitchen and take the stress out of the maintenance process. Below, we discuss what is involved in the proper cleaning and maintenance of your commercial kitchen and how we help prevent fire danger and guarantee safety.

Regular cleaning and maintenance

Here at Kleenduct WA, we offer a suite of services to ensure your commercial kitchen is equipped to meet all the necessary safety standards and go above and beyond in ensuring fire safety. One of the services we specialise in is commercial kitchen exhaust cleaning, which involves the removal of grease from the exhaust system, as it acts as a fire hazard. This service also involves the cleaning of cooking hood filters, ducts and fans to make sure there are no greasy elements that will cause a flash fire. The installation of a Grease Filter Exchange is also crucial, as they reduce the amount of vaporised grease that ends up in your exhaust system ducts.

To prevent any kind of fire danger, it’s important that the cooking equipment in your kitchen is regularly cleaned and maintained. For example, the oil that is used in deep fryers needs to be cleaned properly as it can lead to fire danger. On top of this, the electric motors, pumps and gas supplies within your commercial kitchen must be maintained as they, too, will lead to fire danger if this isn’t the case. At Kleenduct WA, completely cleaning and maintaining your kitchen equipment is a part of the preventative services in which we offer for the fire safety of your commercial kitchen.

There is no reason for a fire emergency to be the result of poor preventative measures. Contact Kleenduct WA today and we will take a preventative approach to the fire safety of your commercial kitchen. Our industry leading maintenance and cleaning will ensure that your business complies with national standards and that you are creating a safe kitchen environment for your workers. You simply cannot put off safety, so contact Kleenduct WA today!